Scribe The Weekend Artist Weblog Archives

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This is a weblog of one person's multi-year quest to write, draw, and publish a graphic novel. This is my story: my trials, tribulations, successes and failures. -- Robert Stradley, Weekend Artist

January 2020

Wrote and published How I Draw the Amberleigh Chronicles™ Webcomics and Novellas" book, a compilation of all the drawing research and notes gathered over the last 15 years of Amberleigh.

February 2020

Read the current script for Amberleigh Adventure 1, the Clue in the Crumbling Chateau, book 6 of the series. I came to the conclusion that the story as written is too dark, with the major plotline as revenge for the death of Loric and all the agony and loss that entailed. I remembered the Warlock series by Stasheff. Book 1 Warlock in Spite of Himself [WISOH] was light and breezy, even though the plot was betrayal.and war. Many of the latter books in the series were too deep and dark

I wanted The Amberleigh Chronicles Adventures to have the fun, amazement, and surprise of WISOH. That being said, I decided upon a major rewrite.

Plot changes included: Loric would live, and the Troupe would know it; there would be at least one romance in each book of the series; the reader would learn details of the background of all the players, but especially those of the romantics; Grandmere would be in the middle of the politics ensuing; TC's plan would be detailed in the beginning, but have to be modified as the troupe messed things up; Bits and pieces of TC's background would also be shown including his relationship with Admirelda and the Generals. .

March 2020

As I worked on the rescripting, I realized that I didn't know the geography of the areas I was describing, nor did I have enough drawings or background information on some of the cultures. Races and Cultures was 170 pp of cultural monographs with 12 illustrations. The Leeland Almanac needed to be written and illustrated to keep conformity and realistic backgrounds. .

Deleyed rewrite until I had the necessary background material completed.

April 2020

Drew backgrounds for the Elfes, drew clothing, and researched geograpy, habitat, dwellings.

May 2020

Took webshots of Amberleigh Chronicles and StorEnvy Websites and filed for Trademark renewal.

Drew backgrounds for the Zwergen, drew clothing, and researched geograpy, habitat, dwellings.

June 2020

Got trademark action memo from Trademark Bureau and responded.

Drew backgrounds for the Calbrians, drew clothing, and researched geograpy, habitat, dwellings. Researched and drew some of the deities and city-state shields.

July 2020

Drew backgrounds for the Scarlets, drew clothing, and researched geograpy, habitat, dwellings.

August 2020

Drew backgrounds for the Midlanders and Freelanders, drew clothing, and researched geograpy, habitat, dwellings.

September 2020

Received Trademark approval of Amberleigh Chronicals TM for another 10 years.

Drew backgrounds for the Pirateers, drew clothing, and researched geograpy, habitat, dwellings.

October 2020

Drew backgrounds for the Pixies and Smokelanders, drew clothing, and researched geograpy, habitat, dwellings.

November 2020

Drew backgrounds for the Forest Thals, drew clothing, and researched geograpy, habitat, dwellings.

December 2020

Drew backgrounds for the Swamp Thals, drew clothing, and researched geograpy, habitat, dwellings.



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2020 News

2020 First Quarter

Wrote and published How I Draw the Amberleigh Chronicles™ Webcomics and Novellas" book.

2020 Second Quarter

Submitted Trademark renewal for Amberleigh Chronicles™

2020 Third Quarter

Received Trademark approval for Amberleigh Chronicles™

2020 Fourth Quarter

Delayed publishing of Book 6 to 2021.

©2020 Weekend Artist Weblog Archives